Our Values

Safe For All

Our Values

Safety is at the core of AR’s values and it underpins all aspects of our business objectives. We have formed our ‘Safe for All’ culture which applies standards of safety and quality throughout the range of services we provide.

Safe for People

Our people are our business and their safety is paramount. Our ambition under the Safe for All strategy is to inspire and motivate our employees at all levels to meet our ambitious safety standards. 

Our drive to ensure workplace satisfaction, which includes workforce involvement programmes and health and safety training, ensures we have well-trained, well-motivated employees who help promote our values amongst themselves, and to clients when on site.

Safe for Plant

Innovation is a key element within our business, extending our Safe for All strategy. By continuing to innovate and invest in new equipment, plant and materials, we can enhance our employees’ safety by mechanising processes and using technology to minimise risk to people.

Safe for Environment

Safeguarding the environment is a crucial part of our services and we take a leading role in defining best practice within our industry. Wherever possible, we enhance the positive environmental impacts our projects have. Maximising both our recycling potential as well as that of our customers is just one example.

Safe for Communities

The nature of our work means that we often carry out sensitive projects at the heart of local communities. Our intention from the outset of each such project is to engage with residents and share our Safe for All ethos. We aim to cause minimal disruption to the local community and infrastructure, focusing on increasing awareness of demolition activities and reducing related risks.

Safe for Industry

We aim to be a leader of best practice within the demolition industry. We recognise that safety is a shared goal and thus push towards improving standards for the benefit of others – clients, communities and employees alike. We innovate and challenge established demolition methods, while openly sharing lessons learned from incidents industry-wide.

Large industrial demolition in Swindon
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Our Projects

How we do it

We carry out a wide range of projects for a variety of clients. Our extensive demolition experience, from high-rise and large-scale industrial demolition to facade retention, separation works, strip-out works, asbestos removal, remediation and groundworks place us at the forefront of innovative demolition. We provide unique, innovative engineering solutions for complex projects, examples of which you can find on our case study page.

Our Projects

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